Since 1991, when our society was founded, we have been constantly developing and expanding our work in the world of jewelry and precious stones. Our journey, motivated by the interest in diamonds in order to achieve the highest as well as to open the selling division of gemological and jewelry instruments and aids. This step is based on our understanding of the needs and challenges of the jewelry industry.

In more than 30 years of operation, we have become one of the leading players in the field of diamond sales. Our knowledge and experience is based on the international education and practice of our team, which includes experts such as Vladimir Kondratěnko, Gia Diamonds Graduate and DiamantClub Van Antwerpen, Marie Hérová, co -founder with the GIA Diamonds Graduate, or fresh Gia Diamonds Graduate.

In 2023 we expanded our activities to organize practical training ( For members of the jewelry industry, where we have seen high interest in devices to detect synthetic diamonds. This finding motivated us to provide not only training, but also tools and aids necessary for detecting laboratory diamonds., is the result of our efforts to support the jewelry industry in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We have undertook not only top education, but also a wide range of aids and devices. These tools are essential for modern gemologists and allow precise work with precious stones, especially diamonds.

We believe that our combined with advanced technical equipment and an innovative approach will allow us to provide not only our clients but also knowledge that exceeds expectations. - expertise and innovation for the jewelry industry.

Free shipping after the Czech Republic

If you buy products for more than 200 euros, you have free shipping.

The satisfaction or refund of the money

You have 14 days to return the goods.

Top -of -the -range customer support

Always to your services.

Secure payment

Your transactions are always protected.

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Vladimír Kondratěnko hostem Nočního Mikrofóra na Českém rozhlasu

Vladimír Kondratěnko hostem Nočního Mikrofóra na Českém rozhlasu

Dnešní host se naprostou samozřejmostí pohybuje v oboru, který je pro většinu lidí tak trochu za sklem, věnuje se věci, o které se říká, že je věčná, je známkou luxusu a elegance může se zdát i nedosažitelná, rozhodně je však výjimečná. Jedná se o diamant a budeme si o něm povídat s mezinárodně uznávaným odborníkem Vladimírem Kondratěnkem.

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